What is the Reason of Russia Ukrain War | Russsia Ukrain War Dispute Reason 2022

Russia Ukraine War Reason: What is the root of the Russia – Ukraine dispute | Why did the world reach the brink of the third world war?


Russia Ukraine War Reason: It is important to know, what is the root of this Russian Ukrain controversy? Why have these provinces, which were once friends during the Soviet Union, become enemies of each other after becoming two countries, and what is the current situation there? Know the whole matter, Stay tight with us and read this article carefully.

After several days of tensions and apprehensions, the war finally broke out between Russia and Ukraine today. This war has created the situation of the world war and the third world in Europe. If Russia has also announced to take the field with full preparation, then NATO can also take over the field under the leadership of America. Ukraine has launched retaliatory strikes.

What is Russia Ukraine War Reason?

Russia has launched a rapid missile attack on Ukraine after President Putin ordered military action. In the midst of this war, US President Joe Biden addressed the nation from the White House for the second time within a week. In his address, Biden said the aggression of Russian President Vladimir Putin would cost Russia dearly. Also said that Russia’s military attack on Ukraine is taking place as predicted by the US. At the same time, protests against the war have started in Russia. Russian police have detained more than 1,700 people in anti-war protests in dozens of cities.

In such a situation, it is important to know what is the root of this controversy? Why have these provinces, which were once friends during the Soviet Union, become enemies of each other after becoming two countries, and what is the current situation there.

10 Important Points Regarding Russia-Ukrain War Reason

  1. Ukraine is bordered by Europe to the west and Russia to the east. Until 1991, Ukraine was part of the erstwhile Soviet Union.
  2. Tensions between Russia and Ukraine began in November 2013 when Viktor Yanukovich, the then President of Ukraine, began protesting in Kyiv. While he had the support of Russia.
  3. Yanukovich had to flee the country in February 2014 due to protests by US-UK-backed protesters.
  4. Angered by this, Russia annexed Crimea in southern Ukraine. After this he supported the separatists there. These separatists occupied large parts of eastern Ukraine.
  5. Since 2014, pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian forces have been fighting in the Donbas province.
  6. Even before this, when Ukraine broke away from the Soviet Union in 1991, there were many conflicts between the two countries over Crimea.
  7. After 2014, Western countries took the initiative to prevent the constant tension and conflict in Russia and Ukraine and to establish peace. France and Germany signed a peace and ceasefire agreement between the two in 2015 in Minsk, the capital of Belarus.

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