Ropa Cara - Camilo Lyrics with English Translation

Ropa Cara - Camilo Lyrics

"Ropa Cara" lyrics of Latest English Songs 2021 is sung by Camilo.

Singer Camilo
Music Camilo
Song Writer Camilo

Ropa Cara Lyrics - Camilo

Esta es una historia basada en hechos reales
De las que no se cuentan por ser tan personales
De cuando conocí a una niña de buenos modales
Y muchos seguidores en las redes sociales

Todo iba bien, en términos generales
Hasta que demostró peligrosas señales
Un día me dijo: mira, tú así no me sales
Con esa ropita como de Garage Sale

Y ahora quiere que me ponga ropa cara
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
Pero de eso no tengo nada

Primera vez en la tienda de Louis Vuitton
Buscando un blazer y un cinturón
Toda la noche cuidando pa no romperlo
Pal otro día devolverlo

Pidiendo carro prestado pa recogerla
Perfumadito pa poder verla
Peinadito como niño pa la escuela, como pingüino Marinela

Qué me pasó?
Se me olvidaron todas las cosas que en la casa me enseñaron
Qué me pasó?
Así no funciona... yo no soy esa persona

Y ahora quiere que me ponga ropa cara
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
Pero de eso no tengo nada


This is a story based on true events
Of those that are not counted because they are so personal
From when I met a girl with good manners
And many followers on social networks
Everything was going well, generally speaking
Until she showed dangerous signs
One day she told me: look, you don't come out like that
With that clothes like Garage Sale

And now she wants me to wear expensive clothes
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
But I have nothing of that
First time at the Louis Vuitton store

Looking for a blazer and belt
All night taking care not to break it
For another day to return it
Asking a borrowed car to pick it up
Perfumed to be able to see her
Combed like a boy for school, like Marinela penguin
What happened to me
I forgot all the things that they taught me at home

What happened to me
This is not how it works ... I am not that person
And now she wants me to wear expensive clothes
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada
But I have nothing of that

This is the end of Ropa Cara Song Lyrics by Camilo. If we had any mistake then let us known by filing the contact us form with correct Lyrics.

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